Sunday, June 30, 2013

Birthday Weekend

For years, my family has planned to take me back to Cape Cod for my birthday. Over the last three years we have been too busy with weddings and such, so this year we planned to go. My father built a house on the Cape for a man he works for ocassionally, and the man will let us stay there anytime we like. So we excitedly headed there on Friday (me and my family - Kyle, Kurt and Coralie had to wait until after work) only to find that the man had given us the wrong keys.  Keep in mind we had coolers of food for the entire weekend that we had to keep cold that whole day. On top of that, we had bought ice cream and milk right before going to the house to find we couldn't get in! Crazy. After 4 hours of trying to contact people and figure out a way to get in, we gave up and decided to head in a totally new direction.

We spent the weekend in Maine and stayed with my grandparents for two nights. It worked out just fine and we traveled to Boothbay Harbor on Saturday to shop and drive along the coast. Sunday afternoon we headed to York and Kittery to drive along the beach and shop the outlets. We did have a great time even though our plans were turned upside down! We were so disappointed after planning that for so long, but oh well!

This was at Bailey's Island and the statue is a man with a lobster in his hands. Lol. Alyssa was taking the picture.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Prenatal Appointment #3

This morning mom and I made our way to St. Vincent's Hospital for another prenatal visit. It was a good visit and I was able to get a lot of my questions answered concerning the birth procedures and such. I met a new midwife and liked her just as much as the last one… So far so good when it comes to them! They are very nice and I was so glad to hear that they will work with me on my preferences when it comes time to have the baby. They are all for natural birth and helping me through that, they typically wait to cut the cord, they are okay with me saying no to vaccines right away, they don't use Pitocin until it is completely necessary when labor is at a standstill, and the list goes on!

The baby's heart rate was around 150-160 (can't remember which!) and it was a steady, strong heartbeat. The baby is very healthy! I am doing well, though my blood pressure was high once again. If it doesn't go down in the next little bit, they will run tests on me and keep a closer eye on the pregnancy. I am hoping it is nothing, but we will see. I have enjoyed knowing I am a low-risk pregnancy so far! It would be nice to keep it that way. The midwife guessed the gender of the baby, as everyone else has been doing. It was more for fun than anything... We will see in 5 days!

...waiting... impatiently. ;)

Monday, June 24, 2013

18.5 weeks

By now I have felt the baby move and am starting to feel it more and more! I have heard the movement described as many things, but my way of explaining it is like a light flick of a finger to my belly. I feel a lot of flutter and some ocassional kicks. Both of which I will feel a lot more in the next coming weeks! My next prenatal appointment is this Thursday, and our ultrasound is in 8 days. I will report and announce soon. We are so excited!

18.5 weeks along

Thursday, June 13, 2013

An Onion

On week 17, our baby has grown to 5.1 inches (head to bum) and weighs 5.9 ounces! The baby is beginning to fill out and put some fat on, and the cartilage is turning to bone. Mommy is beginning to feel some faint flutters, but the definite kicks and punches have not been felt yet. This week is another big growth week, as the baby will grow another 1/2 inch and gain another ounce by week 18.

Baby is the size of an onion - 5.1 inches in length from head to bum.

Monday, June 10, 2013

16.5 Weeks

At 16 weeks, our baby is 4.6 inches long (head to rump) and weighs 3.5 ounces. According to a lot of sites, the baby now can hear! It is growing hair, lashes and eyebrows and taste buds are starting to form. No movement has been felt yet, but the bump is growing as the days go by. After the week is up, we will be into our 5th month. Time if flying!

16.5 weeks along.