I think it is good to make goals. Every year I make "goals" rather than resolutions to see how far I can get. A resolution can be so easily forgotten, and most likely never followed through. I see my goals as something to strive towards... even if I don't fully reach them, at least I have made it a point to get there!
One of my biggest battles is keeping my house clean. Ask me to clean your house and I will take that any day! But my own? It is so easy to get behind on things. Especially the towers of pots, pans, plates, bottles... and piles of laundry that seem to accumulate from nowhere. Not to mention the clutter here and there. That has become a real issue since we made our storage room a nursery. So where to put all this
stuff?! In reality, I don't enjoy the cleaning part of homemaking. I enjoy the cooking and baking and crafting and so forth. Actually I take that back. I do enjoy cleaning, but I don't like getting behind on everything! Those days where it takes
all day (if not more!) to get my house clean is just not fun at all.
So, I have made it a goal of mine to try (attempt) to get better at keeping my house clean. I am not going to overwhelm myself with a huge list of things to do each day. And I know that I will never have a spotless house. That is just not
me. I love to live in my home and do lots of different projects and enjoy my time with my baby and husband. They are more important than a spotless home. But keeping things tidy is important! Below is my new "goal" that I hope to strive for. I may not follow it perfectly every day. In fact, I know I won't! Things will come up, I'm sure. But I am going to at least try to keep a better home and follow this simple schedule.
Weekly Cleaning Regimen
Floors - vacuum/sweep, mop every other week
Appliances - wipe down stove, microwave, fridge, heater, any other kitchen appliances that need cleaning
Bathroom - wipe down toilet and sink, wash tub every other week (I do this with a cleaner and dish wand while I am in the shower)
De-clutter - piles of papers, stuff thrown in a corner (lol), etc.
Dust - Everything from surfaces to window sills
OFF - I chose this as a day to have fun and take a break from the house
Tidy rooms - just a quick cleaning of all rooms before we go to bed
Every Day:
1 load of laundry
1 load of diapers (if needed)
1 load of dishes in dishwasher
Make bed
Quick tidy of rooms