Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I met with my favorite midwife today. I was so glad to be seeing her today, as I wasn't happy with my last visit with another midwife. I like to be able to leave my appointments feeling excited and encouraged, and I always have great visits with Maribeth.

The good news is: I have only gained 1 pound in the last two weeks, and the baby is healthy with her usual 150 heartrate. She is still in a head down position and it was cool to be able finally know what has been bulging near my belly button lately! It's her knee. I figured it was one of her limbs becuase she likes to push in the same place and it is very hard. Today she is very active. :)

The bad news is: my bloodpressure is not good. It always depends on what day I go, because there have been many visits when it is great. But needless to say, Maribeth is concerned with it being a little high and me being 33 weeks pregnant. SO I went to the lab after for bloodwork, and was sent home with a jug to collect my urine for the next 24 hours. Fun. I have to go back to see her next week so she can check back in with me. She also wants me to take a rest on my left side, 45 minutes each, 3 times a day. I guess I need to take it easy and not do so much. I really, really hope the test comes back negative so I can continue to have better hope for a great, natural delivery!

So that's my news. I have not been feeling very good at all lately, so today I am just going to take it easy and try to rest up. That is so much easier said than done!

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