Thursday, May 30, 2013

Prenatal Visit #2

Today I made my second visit to Saint Vincent's Hospital to meet with a midwife. It was a wonderful visit as I was finally able to hear our baby's heart beating! Almost immediately, the midwife was able to detect it and it was so amazing to be assured that the baby is well and growing! I'm exactly where I should be and am completely healthy. Blood pressure was awesome, I had a perfect weight gain, and everything seemed to be normal. Yay. :)

It has been hard wondering how everything is going since I can't feel the baby. But I am starting to show more and more and after hearing the heartbeat, it has been very reassuring that all is well! In one more month, I go for another visit and shortly after that we will have an ultrasound to find out what we are having. Things are getting more exciting!

This week our baby is the size of an orange, measures 4 inches long (from head to rump) and weighs around 2.5 ounces! Its legs outmeasure its arms now... it is becoming more normally proportioned! I am feeling just fine and am thankful that the headaches have not been back so far.

I love being pregnant. It's the greatest privilege to be able to carry and a grow a child in my belly! I'm excited for the months ahead. :) I am getting more and more anxious to meet this baby!

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